【同义词辨析】 2019-09-20 偏转swerve-diverge

swerve: suggests a usually somewhat abrupt physical, mental, or moral turning: suddenly ~d to avoid hitting an animal.

veer: implies a major change in direction often under an outside influence: at that point the road ~s to the right.

deviate: implies a turning from a customary or prescribed course and often implies irregularity: the witness never ~d from her story.

depart: suggests a deviation from a traditional or conventional course or type: a book that ~s from the usual memoirs of a film star.tradition传统: 指代代传承风俗信仰applies to customs or beliefs passed on or handed down from generation to generation,如it’s a tradition to give gifts at Christmas圣诞节送礼物是传统习俗,如keep up revolutionary tradition保持革命传统,如Japan's unique cultural traditions日本独特的文化传统(=traditional culture传统文化),按照传统by tradition,如by tradition, nobody interrupts an MP’s maiden speech按照传统,任何人不能打断下议员的首次演说,也可以说依照传统)   conventional procedure/weapons常规流程/武器

digress: applies to a departing from the subject at hand: frequently ~ed during his lecture.

diverge: may equal depart but usually suggests a branching of a single path into two or more leading in different directions: after medical school their paths ~d.  

swerve突然转向: 表示物体突然转向,或思想转变,veer大幅转向: 指大幅改变方向,如因遭受外力,deviate偏离: 表示离开通常固定路线,因此常指反常,depart离开: 这里表示偏离传统常规,digress跑题: 指偏离当前主题,diverge分开分歧: 也表示离开,但通常表示分叉到多个方向

记忆方法: 1)首字母SVDDDD想成Very Sudden 4Direction突然向四方<==偏转

         2)偏转的意思是偏离直线路径mean to turn aside from a straight course.